ࡱ>  bjbj_W_W @f==== 8$$c:::::nnn>c@c@c@c@c@c@c,eihlcnnnnnlc ::4c   nX::>c n>c  \4~bL2F6^>*cc0ct^ i i|~b ~bnnnlclc nnncinnnnnnnnn l:   Assessment of Student Conduct and Attitudes Adapted for and adopted by the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 Revised and adopted by the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 CriterionYesNoDescriptor1. Demonstrates ability to engage in behaviors that promote collaboration1a. Gives responses that demonstrate an understanding of what the professor and/or peers have said before responding and that show openness to new information.1b. Participates with a high level of engagement for a variety of group collaboration purposes (e.g., task-oriented discussion, inquiry/research).1c. Can apply a variety of conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation approaches to resolve differences.1d. Other2. Demonstrates ability to engage in critical thinking2a. Demonstrates skills of synthesis, analysis, and the evaluation of ideas in terms of assumptions and evidence in everyday practice.2b. Understands relationships between theory and practice.2c. Demonstrates ability to critique current practice from perspective of theory.2d. Engages in problem solving skills and learning strategies (e.g., conflict resolution).2e. Other3. Demonstrates professionalism3a. Demonstrates responsibility in work habits including (a) meeting assignment deadlines, (b) putting forth sufficient effort to achieve desired learning outcomes, and (c) arriving consistently and punctually to classes.3b. Demonstrates ability to set priorities and work diligently to meet learning goals.3c. Responds to and uses constructive feedback to enhance performance and outcomes.3d. Demonstrates interest in, mastery of, and enthusiasm for the subject matter.3e. Demonstrates maturity and responsibility by knowing when and how to seek help from appropriate resources.3f. Other4. Demonstrates academic integrity4a. Appropriately cites sources of information and/or ideas. 4b. Understands the concept of intellectual property and contributes meaningful work to individual and group tasks.4c. Seeks to enhance his/her learning through additional research or related inquiry.4d. Other5. Demonstrates a commitment to social justice5a. Maintains good citizenship by promoting fairness, equity, inclusivity, and justice in the learning environment.5b. Demonstrates cultural, racial/ethic, sexual identity, exceptionality, gender, and linguistic sensitivity.5c. Views educational experiences as vehicles for social transformation and critique.5d. Challenges the status quo through discovery, reflection, and social action.5e. Other _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Student Name Student ID# _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Name of department faculty or staff observing the student conduct or attitudes Signature Date of Report Please provide a chronological list of the incident(s) with any related descriptors. You may use the back of this Checklist or attach additional pages as needed. 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